I've been racking my brain the last few days for a topic to blog about. I finally decided, at the urging of a couple friends, to finish my 100 list. So here's 43 - 100:
43. I have a degree in political science.
44. While in college, I was a member of the Young Republicans. For one of our meetings I was in charge of arranging the guest speaker. I had Bill Hyslop come (then US Attorney for eastern Washington). Who knew someday I'd have a son and this man's wife would be my son's 1st grade teacher! Nick loves Mrs. Hyslop!
45. I like when my husband brings me flowers.
46. I like my husband! :-)
47. I like to dance.
48. My favorite musical is "Phantom of the Opera."
49. My least favorite is "Cats." (I just don't get it . . . what's wrong with me?)
50. My favorite book is "To Kill a Mockingbird." I always wanted a little girl named Scout.
51. The first initial of all my children's names spell ANNA - the name given to every pet we get. We've had a fish, frog, and hermit crab with that name.
52. Note from #51, we've never had a "real" pet (i.e., dog, cat, bunny)
53. My favorite part of the day is morning.
54. We use our stairs for time out (no wonder the carpet is showing wear on that first step!)
55. I've resorted to making a list every morning of the things I need to do that day (they say the memory is the first to go . . . )
56. My favorite Primary song is, "Love is Spoken Here."
57. I'm scared of failure (but I've learned to concede at times).
58. I like cheese pizza without sauce.
59. I was a vegetarian in college (use to order hamburgers at McDonalds and have them "hold the meat.")
60. It was never a moral thing (more of a healthy thing).
61. I played basketball and ran track in high school (not all the way through my senior year though)
62. I love spending time with friends.
63. I love to hear gossip but feel bad when I spread gossip (inner-struggle I'm working on.)
64. I love people who share their talents. I miss my friend Angela who would walk in my house and say, "oh, Carolyn you've got to paint this room taupe."
65. I'm not easily offended.
66. I try to always put myself in other people's shoes. (note the word "try.")
67. I adore my grandparents! They have thoroughly spoiled me (with attention, not material things). I force myself to NOT think about them dying because it makes me too sad.
68. I call or e-mail my grandma everyday.
69. I like serving in YW.
70. I use to laugh while working at home with a tiny baby, thinking how could this person sitting in her PJs, with slippers on and breast-feeding a baby be working on this multi-million dollar lawsuit.
71. I love the smell of lilacs.
72. I like to play basketball with my kids at the YMCA
73. I'm a total wimp when it comes to weightlifting. I have to set the weights at the lowest amount.
74. I spent entirely too much time in the sun as a teenager.
75. I was in a beauty pageant and lost (my talent was piano, how funny is that?)
76. I signed with a modelling agency in high school (the world renowned, Tri-City Models!) That career never went anywhere - a combination of not that pretty and not that tall may have had something to do with it???
78. I highlight my hair but darken my eyebrows.
79. I've had 2 children naturally and 2 with an epidural.
80. I love my in-laws.
81. I admire my mother-in-law who raised 9 boys to be the nicest men I know. There's truly not a jealous, petty, unkind bone in their bodies.
82. I like the smell of the ocean.
83. I like boating.
84. I want to learn to water ski.
85. I LOVE the lake. Sitting on a dock with my family, watching the sun go down is the best.
86. I don't mind driving in the snow.
87. I hope my sons go on missions.
88. I hope my daughters do too.
89. I truly did not know I lacked patience until I had children.
90. I'm thankful for the opportunity to work on my patience.
91. I'm part of the "Big Gulp" generation. I spent a lot of time at 7-11 while I was a teenager.
92. The 7-11 was across the street from my high school.
93. Most the time I was suppose to be in seminary.
94. Didn't graduate from seminary (see #91-93)
95. I don't keep pop in our home (unless I'm entertaining). The result: 3 out of my 4 children don't like pop.
96. Sometimes, when I feel wild, I'll stop and buy one though (I like that Hi-C Orange from McDonalds, pretty sure that's sugar-free! ha)
97. I'm scared to be PTG President next year (that whole fear of failure thing!)
98. I admire people who easily share their feelings.
99. I'm thankful for the Internet.
100. I'm thankful for my family.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Sunday, January 21, 2007
The End of an Era
After serving the last 5 years in primary (3 as 1st counselor and 2 as president), I was released today and called to serve as an advisor in YW. While I knew it was coming, when I stood up in sacrament meeting and Brother Hainsworth actually released me I started crying. And not the cute, "tissue dabbing the eyes" kind, but the full out shaking kind. I think I scared my husband! Then I was asked to bear my testimony which I was totally unprepared for (I thought they only did that for out-going bishops or relief society presidents). The only thing I could think of to relate was that I felt like I passed the torch today and now my arms were just empty.
Actually, the emotions started the night before when I told my children I was being released. Lots of tears. Their biggest concern was how they were going to find me at the end of church. The primary room has been our established meeting place for a long time.
I think I'll give myself a couple more days to "grieve" and then channel all my energy into YW. Fortunately, all the girls in my class are my former primary children, so it will be nice to see lots of familiar faces. I hope I don't let them down (or start weaving music into my lessons!)
Actually, the emotions started the night before when I told my children I was being released. Lots of tears. Their biggest concern was how they were going to find me at the end of church. The primary room has been our established meeting place for a long time.
I think I'll give myself a couple more days to "grieve" and then channel all my energy into YW. Fortunately, all the girls in my class are my former primary children, so it will be nice to see lots of familiar faces. I hope I don't let them down (or start weaving music into my lessons!)
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
My Baby's in a Big Boy Bed
I've posted before about having a hard time with my baby (aka Adam) growing up too fast. Well, this weekend was another milestone. We promised him when he was potty trained he could have a big boy bed like his brother (whom he refers to as "Nicky"). Well, he did it! So, we had to follow through. Andrew put the bunk beds up in the boys room and I turned the changing table (which went through 4 children!) into a toy shelf. It's exciting to think we're done with diapers and toddler beds, but a little sad to be ending that phase of our life.
Adam has asked me over and over today if I've seen his big boy bed. And, over and over again I've replied, "Yes." At which point he tells me "it's awesome." Needless to say, he's thrilled and feels like a big boy, like his Nicky.
Adam has asked me over and over today if I've seen his big boy bed. And, over and over again I've replied, "Yes." At which point he tells me "it's awesome." Needless to say, he's thrilled and feels like a big boy, like his Nicky.

Thursday, January 04, 2007
100 Things About Me
I'm taking Lucy's challenge and trying to come up with 100 things about me.
- My favorite color is green. I was in heaven in the 90s when it was so popular.
- I was 23 when I got married.
- I was married at the Moore Mansion in the Tri-Cities. Our wedding was outside and the reception inside.
- We were sealed in the Portland Temple.
- I love kids
- If I wasn't an attorney I'd be a kindergarten teacher.
- I became an attorney because of an inspiring government teacher in high school.
- While pregnant with Ally, I sat in the back of my classes eating crackers and praying I wouldn't throw up.
- I had a really good friend in law school who I did everything with for 3 years. She moved to Colorado after graduation and we haven't talked since (one of my biggest regrets!)
- My best missionary moment was with my husband. He asked me on our 2nd date, "What's the deal with Mormons and Pepsi?" He got the first 5 discussions that night!
- I always fill in all the birthdays and anniversaries for the year on a new calendar on New Year's Day.
- I usually only make a couple New Year's resolutions, to insure I keep them. This year's are to give more service and use our YMCA membership.
- My first job was a sales clerk at JC Penneys.
- My 2nd job was a clerk at the swimsuit shop at Wet-n-Wild Waterpark in the Tri-Cities. One of my duties (I can't believe I'm going to share this) was to walk around the park with one of the shop's swimsuits on. I would then tell people if they were interested in the suit to visit the gift shop. Needless to say, I subjected myself to this humiliation because I had a crush on one of the lifeguards and walking around the park gave me an opportunity to flirt.
- I hate laundry.
- I love organizing, but get frustrated things don't stay organized with 4 children.
- My hardest calling was Gospel Doctrine teacher.
- My easiest calling was typing the program each week for Sacrament Meeting.
- I love getting letters in the mail
- I always snack at night after the kids go to bed. And, I always go in phases. I'll eat ice cream every night for a month, and then it's cereal. Right now I'm in a Triscuit phase.
- Because I write technically for a living, I have a hard time writing creatively. Blogging has really helped me work on this.
- We have a fake Christmas tree.
- My biggest "want" right now is a cabin near Priest Lake. We've been looking for about a year now but can't find the right one (i.e., one in our price range!)
- I love people who politely look away when your child is having a temper tantrum in public.
- I volunteer in my children's classrooms. I enjoy working one on one with the children and tolerate making copies, doing die-cuts, redoing bulletin boards, etc.
- I wish I could sew better.
- I've never made a quilt.
- I cannot sing.
- I hate the "terrible twos" and how unpredictable a two-year old can be. See #24
- I'm a listener more than a talker.
- I have a hard time opening up to people.
- I'm an only child.
- My favorite donut is an eclair...love the custard filling!
- My favorite song right now is Snow Patrol's "Chasing Cars."
- My favorite radio stations are 103.1 and 92.9.
- I feel guilty listening to my favorite radio stations when my kids are in the car and instead listen to kagu (Gonzaga's classical station) which almost puts me to sleep when I drive!
- I've never been on a cruise.
- I like dark chocolate.
- I want to go to Washington DC someday.
- I wish I had a sister to talk to about anything, everything, nothing . . . (poor Andrew has to file this void for me.)
- I moved to Seattle with 2 of my friends after college graduation. Andrew came over 2 weeks later and proposed (nice strategy on my part, huh???)
- I like to wait at doctor/dentist offices because I get to read gossipy, celebrity magazines.
Okay, I failed. Maybe it's just too late at night (I should have tried this earlier in the day). Good thing getting to 100 wasn't one of my New Year's Resolutions! :-)
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