Natalie turns 5 today, which in her mind means she goes to kindergarten today. I've had to be the kill joy and explain she has to wait until the fall to "ride the bus." To make matters worse, I made a big deal yesterday about registering her for kindergarten, so between the two events she's ready to walk though those Moran Prairie front doors today and take her seat.
Natalie decided she needed to write a letter to Mrs. Smith about all this (sadly, Ally and Nicholas have convinced her that this will be her teacher, even though I've made clear there's no guarantees). In her letter she included a list of her ABCs and a picture of an object that starts with each letter (I think she wanted to convince Mrs. Smith she was qualified for kindergarten . . . by the way, she spells Mrs. Smith "meses smef"). WARNING THE NEXT FEW SENTENCES WILL PROBABLY ONLY BE HUMOROUS TO BOSTON RED SOX FANS: When Natalie got to "M" she drew a picture of a baseball player. I gently reminded her "baseball player" does not start with "M," she then told me the picture was "Manny. The Big Hitter," referring to Manny Ramirez, the Red Sox's star outfielder. . . yes, daddy has taught his little girl well.
Now, about that $19 party. I've been totally inspired by my Dave Ramsey friends (isn't there something about courage in numbers???) So, I decided to spend as little money as possible on Natalie's party. We made the invitations, had a really inexpensive craft (party vests out of paper bags - really lame, I know), and I made the cake (which can be a little scary). All this resulted in about $100 less than I usually spend on parties and I don't think Natalie noticed the difference (I hope her friends didn't either!) But, then again, Natalie is pretty easy to please - a trait I cherish about her.
I'm so thankful for the opportunity to celebrate Natalie's birthday. My life is so blessed with her in it. I can't imagine having a day go by without seeing her smile with that cute dimple on her left cheek. She is truly a gift from Heavenly Father.
Party Pics

Homemade cake with candy from around the house