We decided Andrew would take the boys (including Adam) to the camp out and I would take the girls for just an overnight trip to the Tri-Cities.
The boys had a great time doing what boys do . . . and us girls had a great time doing what girls do. We started with a trip to the mall, of course. While there, we shamelessly copied what my friends in another ward did during their ward's Father/Son Camp Out - went to Build-a-Bear Workshop. Natalie and Ally had so much fun picking their bears and outfits (thank you Kari Ann for blogging about this so I could "borrow" the idea! :-) We have never done this before and I was surprised it wasn't that expensive.
While at the mall I got an e-mail to my cell phone from Andrew. It was pictures of the boys camping. I e-mailed back pictures of the girls at the mall. Isn't modern technology amazing?!?
After a trip to Bath and Body Works, where we all came out smelling "fruity," we headed back to Grandma and Grandpa's house for some "hang out time." The next morning we made a trip to the cemetery (I love my grandparents who gently reminded me of the reason for Memorial Weekend). The cemetery was packed! I'm not sure if it was due to Memorial Weekend or the wedding taking place there (the nearby church must've been booked!)
On a more serious note, My children have lost 3 out of their 4 grandparents, so it was touching to put flowers on all the graves and talk about what it means to be a forever family.
Next pedicures and finally, the highlight of the trip, an afternoon by the pool. It was a great trip, but I'm glad to have our family back together again.
30 painted toes!
All smiles