Saturday, May 26, 2007

Father/Son Camp Out . . . Mother/Daughter Hang Out

We found out just a few days ago that our church scheduled its annual "Father/Son Camp Out" during Memorial Weekend this year - usually it's held mid-May. We had already made plans to go to the Tri-Cities for the weekend. But, we knew our 8-year old son would be crushed to miss the camp out, so we made a quick change of plans.

We decided Andrew would take the boys (including Adam) to the camp out and I would take the girls for just an overnight trip to the Tri-Cities.

The boys had a great time doing what boys do . . . and us girls had a great time doing what girls do. We started with a trip to the mall, of course. While there, we shamelessly copied what my friends in another ward did during their ward's Father/Son Camp Out - went to Build-a-Bear Workshop. Natalie and Ally had so much fun picking their bears and outfits (thank you Kari Ann for blogging about this so I could "borrow" the idea! :-) We have never done this before and I was surprised it wasn't that expensive.

While at the mall I got an e-mail to my cell phone from Andrew. It was pictures of the boys camping. I e-mailed back pictures of the girls at the mall. Isn't modern technology amazing?!?

After a trip to Bath and Body Works, where we all came out smelling "fruity," we headed back to Grandma and Grandpa's house for some "hang out time." The next morning we made a trip to the cemetery (I love my grandparents who gently reminded me of the reason for Memorial Weekend). The cemetery was packed! I'm not sure if it was due to Memorial Weekend or the wedding taking place there (the nearby church must've been booked!)

On a more serious note, My children have lost 3 out of their 4 grandparents, so it was touching to put flowers on all the graves and talk about what it means to be a forever family.

Next pedicures and finally, the highlight of the trip, an afternoon by the pool. It was a great trip, but I'm glad to have our family back together again.

The girls filling out their bears' "birth certificates"

The girls and their bears

30 painted toes!

All smiles

What's down there, Natalie?

I can't believe I'm posting a picture of me in a swimsuit (yuck!) but wanted to show that I'm wearing my new Shade swimsuit.

The girls ready to jump in.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Money Question

There's a funny little joke about lawyers that the reason they go into law is because they can't stand the sight of blood or they're lousy in math. Let's just say, that's not a joke in my case. I'm very fortunate my kids don't get too many injuries and thank goodness for calculators! With this in mind, imagine my surprise (and terror!) when I was voted treasurer of the condo association we belong to (we own a condo that we use as a rental). I've been doing the books for about 2 years now and have managed to not mess things up too much. My only experience for this is that I pay the bills in our family. A matter of fact, I don't think my husband has a clue what we pay for electricity, water, etc. Hmmm, now that I think about it, I'm not sure he even knows how much he makes because his checks are automatically deposited. The one thing he does know for sure is if he puts his bank card in a machine it will kindly dispense cash. How nice of that machine . . . .

Anyway, all this is leading up to my question . . . who does the "books" in your family? I'm curious if more women or more men handle the finances.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

P. Problem

I have big plans someday to print and bind all my posts into a journal for my posterity to read. I guess it would work just as well to have an electronic journal, yet (you can call me old-fashion) there's just something about having actual books to pass down. I realize some family stories will be a little embarrassing for some individuals, but I just feel the need to share this little dilemma I'm having with Adam.

Adam has discovered the joy of peeing on various outside "targets." I often let him and Natalie play in the backyard alone. Numerous times this week she's come running into the house to report the latest unsuspecting target. Adam urinates on ants, in buckets, through the netting around our trampoline, off the top of our tree house, etc. I've had the whole "we don't show our private parts in public" talk, which completely goes over his head. I guess I could watch him every second he's outside, but what's the point of having a fenced back yard - if not to give mom a few precious moments alone??? I'm terrified what he'll do in public with his new "toy." Can you imagine taking him to McDonalds and having some little kid come out of the tunnels, crying and WET!

I can't wait for Andrew to get back in town, maybe he can have a little Father/Son talk with him about this. These are the times I wish I had brothers to know if such behavior is normal or a red flag for future problems. Oh, the joys of parenting!

p.s. Sorry Adam in advance for the embarrassment this post will cause you in the future. Remember Mom loves you! :-)