Monday, August 20, 2007

A Prehistoric Saturday

I have to first admit I haven't been a fun mom lately. As most of you know, I'm the PTG president of my children's school this year. Well, I knew it was going to get crazy during the month of August, but I WAY underestimated the time commitment. For the last 2 weeks I've been attached to the computer and phone trying to get the parents ready for the upcoming school year. I've also been working on my "pet projects" which are setting up a PTG room at the school and organizing childcare for our PTG meetings. I am really hoping to pull these off. Now couple all this with the fact that the end of August is usually my most busiest time of year at work (we like to work extra hard to make up for the relaxing summer) and you can see where I'm going with this.
Anyway, my husband gently reminded me on Saturday that we were going to spend the day as a family - no phones, no computers. Ah, this man knows exactly what I need!

We decided to visit the local museum which was exhibiting a replica of a T-Rex discovered in South Dakota (it helped that Ally, Nicholas and Natalie earned free tickets from the local library for reading 15 books this summer!) Now tell me if any of you can relate to this conversation:

ME: Oh shout, I forgot my camera.

ALLY: It's okay mom, you can use your cell phone.

ME: But I don't know how

ALLY: Here, mom, I'll take care of it.

She then proceeded to take a couple pictures and then e-mail them to me so I could use them on my blog. So, who's more ancient, the dinosaur or me????

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Look What Came Walking Down My Street!!! by Ally

Jack and Jill came up the South Hill

Looking for some water.

Jack looked around and said,

"This looks like a nice cul-de-sac"

And Jill came following after.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

I've Been Tagged

I was just catching up on everyone's blogs and noticed Lucy tagged me with 5 GREAT questions. I had to put some thought into these answers. Here it goes:

1. If you could change one part of your body what would it be?
Well, if I have to pick only one, it would be . . . the chest - ugh! Where did they go???

2. How much do you think you need to make to be "really comfortable" (think annual salary)? This is an interesting question because the "really comfortable" amount has changed for me over the years. When Andrew and I were first married, we talked a lot about the "6-figure amount" and that this amount would be sufficient to comfortably raise a family. As we've grown older (wiser?) we've realized it's not just about supporting our family but it's also about having the means to help others and being able to put a decent amount away each month for college, missions, retirement, etc. So, now, I think the comfortable amount is closer to double the "6-figure amount."

3. What is your greatest God-given talent? This is a hard one for me to answer because I use to wonder, "Do I have any talents?" It honestly wasn't until I was called to Primary I realized how much I love children (well, I knew I loved my own but I didn't realize how much I loved everyone else's!) If this can be considered a talent, I guess that's my answer.

4. Winter Olympics or Summer Olympics? Gymnastics! Enough said.

5. If you could have any career, and you were GUARANTEED success (no tests to get in, no auditions, no worrying about daycare, or money or time) what would you do? Hands down, Kindergarten teacher. I love my current career, the law still challenges and excites me, but, in light of #3 above, I'd love to spend the day with 5 year olds.

Thanks Lucy for the tag.