When I first met my husband and learned he was majoring in sport management, I assumed sports was an interest of his. I then learned my husband came from a family of 9 boys (no girls). Hmmm. And then, after attending my first family get together, my suspicions were confirmed. "How can they all know EVERYTHING about EVERY sport?" I wondered. Those boys were spewing forth stats like an auctioneer on auction day. Since I was already crazy about my husband, I quickly decided it was better to join him than fight him. So, over the last 14 years I've become a bit of a sports junkie too. With this in mind, here's a recap of my weekend:
Friday - Attend Gonzaga basketball game. This was actually a scrimmage that was free to the public. It was a blast. The "kennel" was packed and the players even treated us to a dance before the game. Our kids loved it
Saturday am - Soccer. Both Nicholas and Natalie were on teams this year. I have to admit I love soccer. Our family has a "sports" quilt. We take it to the games and snuggle in it, drinking hot cocoa and rooting for whatever family member we're supporting that day.
Saturday pm - WSU football game. Nothing says fall like cool, crisp air; kettle corn; and our family huddled together at the stadium, rooting for our beloved cougs. They even won!
Sunday - Okay, I know I really shouldn't have anything sports related to discuss on the Sabbath, BUT . . . Andrew and I have an agreement, no sports on Sunday except the Super Bowl and if the Red Sox are in the World Series (his favorite baseball team since he was a little boy). Well . . . it was game 4 of the World Series and the Red Sox were up 3 - 0 in the series. So we all stayed up late and THEY WON!!! We celebrated with sparkling cider and lots of cheering.
Here are some pictures of all the festivities: