He was an amazing man, who possessed a combination of strong leadership coupled with a loving, gentle manner. I've only see him personally three times (the Spokane Temple dedication, the Spokane Arena, and general conference), but each time I recognized an undeniable light about him that strengthened my testimony that he was a prophet of God. Somehow, knowing he was upon the earth always brought me peace and comfort. I know in a few days another prophet will be called who will bring me that same peace and comfort. But, for now, I just want to reflect on President Hinckley and the words that touched my life. Here, for example, is the quote that is taped to my computer monitor, "Be happy in that which you do. Cultivate a spirit of gladness in your homes. Subdue and overcome all elements of anger, impatience, and unbecoming talk one to another." And here are the words on my whiteboard in my kitchen, "Be Your Best."
Thank you President Hinckley.