Year round, gymnasts spend hours working on their routines and learning to master the skills and dance moves that are incorporated into every event. They wait anxiously for meet season when they can finally put all their hard work to the test and, hopefully, be rewarded for their efforts. In Ally's case, this has been a tough season because all of her meets have been on Sunday. She has shed many tears about not competing, but has never once asked if she could. I'm so thankful for great Primary teachers who encouraged her a long time ago to choose what she would and would not do on the Sabbath, so when faced with a choice, she already had her answer. She has been so faithful and this last Saturday she was finally rewarded.
Ally's coaches were able to make a last-minute scheduling change that would allow her to compete with other teams on Saturday while her team competed on Sunday. We quickly rearranged our schedule for Saturday and headed out to Moscow, Idaho to the Palouse Invitational. We had such a blast and Ally did great. She remembered all her rountines and scored highest on Vault and Floor. Overall, she placed 5th. The significance of this meet is that if she can just get one more chance to compete on Saturday, and she scores high enough, she can make regionals (you have to have at least 2 meet scores to make regionals). We're crossing our fingers for just one more Saturday meet.

Sorry the quality of the pictures isn't that good. My little "point and shoot" doesn't do so well with indoor photos taken without a flash.
Ally's coaches were able to make a last-minute scheduling change that would allow her to compete with other teams on Saturday while her team competed on Sunday. We quickly rearranged our schedule for Saturday and headed out to Moscow, Idaho to the Palouse Invitational. We had such a blast and Ally did great. She remembered all her rountines and scored highest on Vault and Floor. Overall, she placed 5th. The significance of this meet is that if she can just get one more chance to compete on Saturday, and she scores high enough, she can make regionals (you have to have at least 2 meet scores to make regionals). We're crossing our fingers for just one more Saturday meet.

Sorry the quality of the pictures isn't that good. My little "point and shoot" doesn't do so well with indoor photos taken without a flash.