On June 21 my family went boating with the Hainsworths. We were on the boat when we hit this tree growing from the bottom of the lake. The lake had a small island in the middle that was hard to see. The tree branch made a large hole in the bottom of the boat. Water started coming into the boat. Soon the back of the boat was full of water. We were all rushing into the front, well except Adam. He was just sitting in the back of the boat not knowing what was happening happy as can be. Finally, he went to the front. My mom led us in a prayer. I felt a warm feeling inside that we were going to be O.K. Brother Hainsworth raced us back to the dock and he was able to pull the boat out before it sank. We all made it safely out and then my family and I said a thank you prayer. I am so thankful that I can pray to Heavenly Father whenever I need help.
Here's a picture of the inside of the boat after most of the water drained out.