I feel very blessed that the majority of both Andrew and I's families are in one area. And, those that don't live in the area usually come "home" for Thanksgiving so we get to see as many family members as possible. We're also fortunate that most of our close friends whom we grew up with usually come home for Thanksgiving too. So, that's how we usually spend Thanksgiving each year - spending time with those we love. We tend to pack in as much as we can over a 4-day period. This year was no different.
Thanksgiving morning we usually do the "Turkey Trot" - a 5k fun run along the Columbia River. This year, however, they raised the entrance fee to $20 per person. Yes, that would be $120 for our family! So, we made up our own "Turkey Trot" with funny games and contests like who can run backwards the fastest, who can run and whistle, etc. We also got a spirited game of "follow the leader" going. We just did it around my grandparents' neighborhood. I'm sure we looked a little silly (did I mention half of us were still in our PJs!?!), but we had a blast.
Next, we had 2 amazing meals - one at each side of the family (technically, we only had room for dessert at the second stop!) It was funny because one side was casual and the other was a more formal affair with china and crystal. Both were wonderful, although I was a bit nervous with Adam sipping sparkling cider out of an expensive crystal goblet. I just knew at any moment that glass was going to turn into a light saber. But, luckily we made it through without any broken dishes.

Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving were filled with shopping, movies, sleep overs with cousins, and a trip to the temple for Andrew and I. I had been working on some family history for Andrew's side of the family the week before
Thanksgiving, so we could take the names to the temple. We were able to get work done for Andrew's grandparents. During the sealing, I was reminded again just how much I love my husband. :-)
Sunday found us at church at my home ward, which I love to visit. It always touches my heart to see my old Young Women's leaders, who now have gray hair but the same warm smiles. These were the women who were first on the scene after my mom died and their kindness during that difficult time will forever stay with me.
Last, we had one final grand meal. My grandma put on one more turkey dinner Sunday afternoon so we'd be loaded up with leftover turkey for the coming week. Have I mentioned before how amazing my grandma is????
Well, that's the Thanksgiving summary. I'm counting down now until Christmas, which will be a much smaller, quieter affair.
My Grandma, my cousin, and Baby Angelo (my cousin and her husband lived in Italy for several years; hence, the Italian name)

Me and My cousin. We were like sisters growing up and were "maids of honor" at each other's weddings.

My aunt and Natalie. This is my mom's sister and looks a lot like her except my mom had blonde hair.

Grandpa and Adam after a long day, both were almost asleep when I took this picture.