About 6 weeks ago, Andrew said to me, as he was walking out the door to work, "I think we should move." He basically told me to pray about it and get back to him. WHAT?!?!?! We had plans to raise our children in our house, to stay in the same church ward until we grew old, and to follow Dave Ramsey and pay off our house as soon as possible. Andrew's prompting went completely against all OUR plans! But, that's the key, sometimes OUR plans aren't the same as Heavenly Father's plans. I must admit, it took me 2 days to even pray about moving because I was scared of the answer. But, alas, I received the same answer as Andrew. So, in the last 6 weeks, we've sold our house and made a couple offers on different houses, with the below house being the one that worked out. Looking back over the last 6 weeks, I have to admit the whole process has gone fairly smooth and quick - which helped reaffirm to me that it must be right. Here are some pictures of our new place - we close in just a couple weeks! Yikes - I better get back to packing . . . .

The criss-cross thing above the garage has got to go! I'm thinking a decorative vent would look better.
The black appliances have been replaced with stainless steel
Dining Room - I like the window seat in front of the window
