So, I saw an idea on another blog about limiting children's activities during the summer and decided that I would not sign my kids up for ANYTHING - no camps (except the church-related ones), no sports (I even took Ally out of gymnastics for July and August), no music lessons . . . just family time. I've always wanted to have a summer like this, and I figured if I was ever going to do it, this would be the summer before my 2 oldest start middle school and sports & friends begin to play a bigger role in their lives.
But, I failed.
Nicholas had a great year in baseball this spring and made the All-Star Team. He was so proud of himself. How could I say no????

"Hey now, you're an all-star, get your game on, go play"
THEN, Ally had the opportunity to be on the USTA, Jr. Tennis Team. U-High's tennis coach is in our ward and has really helped Ally with her tennis. Ally even beats her mom occasionally (okay, I have to admit this isn't hard to do!) Again, I caved.

I'm feeling a little sad because I may have lost my window of opportunity to have a "family summer." I guess my only hope is to try and take advantage of the times when I do actually have all my children together and savor the moment.