This may have seriously been the most exhausting Halloween ever! Today, we're all coming off a 3-day party (my children's poor teachers), but boy did we have fun! Friday was the school parties. Saturday was our ward's annual carnival and trunk-or-treat. And, then, Sunday we stayed home and had some friends over for games and caramel apple cider. Here's some pictures of my little prom queen (Ally), baseball player (Nick), cow girl (Natalie), storm trooper (Adam), and some of their friends from our church party.

The "Cow Girl and the "Coug Fan" (The Coug Fan was a little grumpy because the Cougs lost 42-0)

Cute 8-year-old girl!

Cute 11-year-old boys!

Matching storm troopers: Adam and our neighbor Matthew

The Beehives!