The biggest change for this year is that I'm now a single mom (wow - it feels weird to even type those words!) While it's been unbelievably hard, the kids and I have decided to thrive and not JUST survive. My posts for 2011 will, hopefully, show our family embracing life and trying to move on the best we can. Here's a recap of the year so far:
January and February: Skiing, skiing, skiing. I love skiing together it's a great way to get out of the house during our long Spokane winters and embrace all the snow we get. Ally enjoyed competing for Spokane Gymnastics and took 1st place in the all-around category in 3 meets.
March and April: Soccer, Soccer, Soccer. I wish I had more pictures, but these were dark months following Andrew's departure. I just have one of Natalie's cute team...and none of Adam and Nick's :-( Natalie looks so "tough" in this picture!

May also brought a new priesthood holder into the home. Nicholas turned 12 and was ordained by my grandpa. It was an amazingly spiritual experience that our family will always remember.
JUNE: Dallas! My good friend, Jani, owns a boutique and invited me to go to market with her in Dallas. I had the most amazing time shopping and helping her pick out merchandise for her store. The 100 degree weather was an added bonus!