Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Setting a Date

After Jeff proposed, we looked at the calendar to set a date.  We wanted to be sealed together in the temple for eternity, but neither of us had started the process to break our sealings to our prior spouses.  Not knowing how long that process would take (and not wanting to wait too long!), we decided to have a civil ceremony first and then set our sealing date for February 14, 2014 (2/14/ cute is that?!?)  We set the date for our civil ceremony for February 9, 2013.

Wow  -- that meant I had 4 weeks to plan a wedding!

I'm so thankful for the most amazing grandparents in the world and an army of friends that stuck by me through the hardest 2 years of my life who helped Jeff and I pull everything together.  I even found time to attend two bridal showers hosted by my dear friends Jani Davis and Andrea Hainsworth.  I love these ladies! 

My South Hill Girls

My Valley Girls (minus a couple who left before the camera came out!)



Monday, June 17, 2013

October 2012 - January 2013...Courtship

The pie that changed my life....
During conference weekend I met Jeff for dessert.  We had become friends on Facebook through a church Facebook group (you join the group and then you get announcements of events for singles like dances, firesides, etc.) By coincidence, we were both in Salt Lake for conference at the same time (he's from Seattle).  It was late, so Jeff and I met at the only place we could find open  --  the Village Inn.  I walked in and sat down across from him.  To this day I cannot tell you half of what we talked about; I was too busy being lost in Jeff's eyes, his voice, and his confidence.  He was one of the best conversationalists I had ever met and was so dang handsome.  How could this guy be single?!?  I was getting that dizzy feeling...that feeling that he could "be the one." 
And, indeed, after four months of dating that turned out to be the case!
On January 12, 2013, while visiting Jeff in Seattle, he proposed.  We were walking around the Seattle Temple and reminiscing about being teenagers and coming to the Seattle Temple for youth baptisms.  When we reached the back of the temple, under the sign "Holiness to the Lord, the House of the Lord," Jeff went down on one knee and proposed.  He surprised me with the most beautiful ring I had ever seen.   
I'm thankful for pie.  Funny, I can't even remember what kind of pie I ordered, but I remember those handsome eyes.


Sunday, June 16, 2013

October 2012 -- General Conference

We have a tradition in our family that after a child turns 8 they get a special trip to general conference with either mom, dad, or both.  Adam turned 8 in 2012, so I had the privilege of taking him to conference for the first time.

Our trip was so bonding and spiritual.  With four children, it is hard to get quality one-on-one time, so I am extra thankful for these opportunities.  Adam and I stopped at the newly dedicated, Brigham City Temple on our way to Salt Lake.  Adam was so sweet and reverent on the temple grounds.

Then in Salt Lake we spent some time walking around the conference center before going in.  Adam loved the waterfall there (he has always loved water, which is probably why he is such a great swimmer and water skier!)  He also loved when President Monson walked into the conference center and everyone stood and was completely silent.  Adam told me he felt "happy inside" when that happened.  It is so sweet when our children are learning about feeling the spirit.

Also amazing about our Utah trip is that I met an intriguing man one night for dessert at a hole in the wall diner.  The slice of pie that night changed my life, but more on that later....

The Last Eight Months....

Wow!  Have I really not posted in 8 months?
There have been so many changes for our family over the last 8 months.  My next several blogs will be catch-ups showing all the amazing and wonderful adventures we've had since last October.