Sunday, January 21, 2007

The End of an Era

After serving the last 5 years in primary (3 as 1st counselor and 2 as president), I was released today and called to serve as an advisor in YW. While I knew it was coming, when I stood up in sacrament meeting and Brother Hainsworth actually released me I started crying. And not the cute, "tissue dabbing the eyes" kind, but the full out shaking kind. I think I scared my husband! Then I was asked to bear my testimony which I was totally unprepared for (I thought they only did that for out-going bishops or relief society presidents). The only thing I could think of to relate was that I felt like I passed the torch today and now my arms were just empty.

Actually, the emotions started the night before when I told my children I was being released. Lots of tears. Their biggest concern was how they were going to find me at the end of church. The primary room has been our established meeting place for a long time.

I think I'll give myself a couple more days to "grieve" and then channel all my energy into YW. Fortunately, all the girls in my class are my former primary children, so it will be nice to see lots of familiar faces. I hope I don't let them down (or start weaving music into my lessons!)


Anonymous said...

You'll always be the Primary President of our home.

Lucy said...

Congratulations on graduating from primary! It took you long enough:)

I hope YW treats you well. That would scare me to death.

KariAnn said...

Wow Carolyn, that's a big deal, you've been in primary for so long. You'll love YW. Especially since you have great adults to work with. Good Luck!!!

[alisar] said...

It is so sad to see you leave Primary. But I am so excited for your new adventure. Those girls will love you! I'll miss seeing you every week - thank goodness for book group.

andrea said...

There were definitely tears when I was released from primary too. I'm also shedding a few tears knowing that we've lost our primary connection.

I know how much you loved the kids in your primary and how much they loved you too. You did such a great job. I'm not exagerating when I say that your primary program was among the top! You were so organized and loving.

I am sure you will love Young Women. How fun that they are your former primary kids.

Kristin said...


I am so excited to have you in YW...we tried to be kind...and put you in as an advisor. The girls are going to love you!! But my kids are seriously grieving your loss in Primary. Kameron kept saying "she was the best primary lady I ever had". Reilly was seriously MAD! She wanted to know why everybody she loves keeps getting put in Young Women!! :)

You have had such a wonderful impact on those primary kids...mine included!! I know the feeling of passing the torch. It is hard to let go. I was a crying fool over activity days and missing the little girls...and I only did it for a year!!

You are wonderful and did such a great job!!

Anonymous said...

It was so much fun working in primary with you. You taught me a lot, and blessed all of us in primary. I am so glad you got called to YW. You will be such an inspiration for all the girls.