Sunday, March 18, 2007

The New Calling

Have you ever knew about a calling but couldn't say anything until you were sustained and it took a LONG time before you were sustained??? Well, that's what I've been going through. I feel like I've been living with this secret and now I want to shout it from the rooftops - I get to serve as 2nd Counselor in the Stake Primary Presidency. I'm so excited, I could burst. I love Primary and am so thrilled to be serving there again. I'm even more excited about who I get to serve with. My friend Andrea is the president, who I admire and respect so much. Like that U2 song, "It's a Beautiful Day."


andrea said...

Hooray! I am so glad you were sustained and of course I'm thrilled to be working with you too!

Lucy said...

You will fantastic for the stake. What a perfect fit. And I know how excited Andrea is to have you. congrats!

[alisar] said...

You will be such a wonderful asset to Andrea. And what a priviledge to work with her!! My only sadness is for the YW who only got to be blessed by you for a short time. Good luck and enjoy!!!

Kristin said...

I heard you were FINALLY sustained on Sunday! Congratulations!! You are PERFECT for that calling. You and Andrea are going to be a fantastic team! I will try to keep my own personal sobbing to minimum!! ;)

Kristin said...

OOPs...that would be to "A" minimum!

Lara said...

What a great calling!