I have big plans someday to print and bind all my posts into a journal for my posterity to read. I guess it would work just as well to have an electronic journal, yet (you can call me old-fashion) there's just something about having actual books to pass down. I realize some family stories will be a little embarrassing for some individuals, but I just feel the need to share this little dilemma I'm having with Adam.
Adam has discovered the joy of peeing on various outside "targets." I often let him and Natalie play in the backyard alone. Numerous times this week she's come running into the house to report the latest unsuspecting target. Adam urinates on ants, in buckets, through the netting around our trampoline, off the top of our tree house, etc. I've had the whole "we don't show our private parts in public" talk, which completely goes over his head. I guess I could watch him every second he's outside, but what's the point of having a fenced back yard - if not to give mom a few precious moments alone??? I'm terrified what he'll do in public with his new "toy." Can you imagine taking him to McDonalds and having some little kid come out of the tunnels, crying and WET!
I can't wait for Andrew to get back in town, maybe he can have a little Father/Son talk with him about this. These are the times I wish I had brothers to know if such behavior is normal or a red flag for future problems. Oh, the joys of parenting!
p.s. Sorry Adam in advance for the embarrassment this post will cause you in the future. Remember Mom loves you! :-)
My nephew got in trouble for peeing outside at recess the other day. He's in second grade and still innocent enough to think that he's just peeing but got in quite a bit of trouble at school for it, which, as a parent, I understand. Just keep talking about it in that sensible way you have about you:)
I think it's great to print out and bind. I think actual books have proven themselves to pass the test of time.
I don't think it's overly embarrassing. We all pee:)
Sean has the same problem - but at least Adam does it outside. Just today Sean came upstairs naked and carrying his diaper full of poop to hand to me. The only time he is at all interested in potty training is when he is inside and the kids tattle that he is peeing on their bed, or on the toys, or on the DVD's, etc.
But I guess the bright side of it is that Adam and Sean will both have a great career ahead of them as firefighters!
Absolutely normal. If you can call my experience with my two brothers and my own son "normal." They peed on everything. Caleb used to use the trash can in the bathroom in lieu of the toilet. Good times.
My boys have peed in the bathroom garbage too. And every now and then I still catch one of my eight year olds peeing outdoors in bizarre places. In fact just yesterday Hans told me that one of his older brothers peed in the garage! I told that particular boy that it was unacceptable and he said he's alraedy peed in the garage eight times. I'm so glad we are still renting!
Thanks for the warning!!
He he he! Go Adam. Seriously we are going to have a group of rowdy boys in a few years. Hopefully they all settle down a bit. I think it's totally normal for boys to enjoy their freedom to pee wherever. It's always such a quandry for me because at times I encourage it like at the park when the bathrooms are locked, etc.
When we adopted Jack the family traveling with us adopted a 4 year old girl. We were on a four hour bus ride to visit the orphanage and the little girl had to pee. Our guide picked her up and I thought the bus driver would pull over but instead they had her pee on the steps of the bus while it was cruising along the highway. She went several times on the trip and I was so grossed out walking down the stairs of the bus.
Very normal...at least I hope so...my experience via my brother, Kameron and...even Tyler is that peeing outdoors is 100% male.
I can't tell you the number of times I have looked outside and seen Kameron winging it out there into the bushes...such proud moments.
When I brought this to Tyler's attention and expressed my disgust he started laughing hysterically and told me to find something else to worry about...all guys pee outside. Revolting...
Hi Carolyn, it's Julie P. (I know, the screen name is weird, I'll tell you the story sometime) Love your blog!! It's fun to hear the nitty gritty of life since we always seem to be in such a hurry whenever we actually talk. And don't worry about boys peeing, trust me I've seen it everywhere. But you will have to keep up the diplomatic explaining to all the neighbors and unsuspecting observers!
Oh good, this reminds me of a great situation we had last week with Alec, even one step worse. I'm going to go blog about it right now before I forget, so check it out. Hopefully it's just the age, but obviously it's faily normal because all of our boys seem to be having the same fascination.
I hope you realize this is my biggest fear in ever having a boy!! Hopefully this phase ends soon!
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