I was just catching up on everyone's blogs and noticed Lucy tagged me with 5 GREAT questions. I had to put some thought into these answers. Here it goes:
1. If you could change one part of your body what would it be?
Well, if I have to pick only one, it would be . . . the chest - ugh! Where did they go???
2. How much do you think you need to make to be "really comfortable" (think annual salary)? This is an interesting question because the "really comfortable" amount has changed for me over the years. When Andrew and I were first married, we talked a lot about the "6-figure amount" and that this amount would be sufficient to comfortably raise a family. As we've grown older (wiser?) we've realized it's not just about supporting our family but it's also about having the means to help others and being able to put a decent amount away each month for college, missions, retirement, etc. So, now, I think the comfortable amount is closer to double the "6-figure amount."
3. What is your greatest God-given talent? This is a hard one for me to answer because I use to wonder, "Do I have any talents?" It honestly wasn't until I was called to Primary I realized how much I love children (well, I knew I loved my own but I didn't realize how much I loved everyone else's!) If this can be considered a talent, I guess that's my answer.
4. Winter Olympics or Summer Olympics? Gymnastics! Enough said.
5. If you could have any career, and you were GUARANTEED success (no tests to get in, no auditions, no worrying about daycare, or money or time) what would you do? Hands down, Kindergarten teacher. I love my current career, the law still challenges and excites me, but, in light of #3 above, I'd love to spend the day with 5 year olds.
Thanks Lucy for the tag.
Great answer for number two. That was a hard one to answer and you answered it with such class. I also agree about gymnastics. I also have grown to love the swimming events too.
Oh, great answers. I'm with you on the gymnastics - the only event I glue myself to the tv for. I loved your primary kids answer too. Your love for the kids really showed to me when I was in there with you (miss those days). That is ABSOLUTELY a God-given talent that you should cherish. Thanks for sharing :)
Thanks for doing this! I know #2 might have appeared nosy, but I think it's a question I've been asking myself for about 10 years now, and the answer is constantly changing. I just wondered what other people thought.
You do have a gift. I think it's crazy that you would even question it. And those five year olds would be so lucky!
Great answers. All of those questions would make me think.
I admire how much love you show to other kids. I know Eli feels it whenever he is in your home.
I loved working in the primary under you and I definately saw your talent. I certainly think working well with children is a talent, probably one of the most important.
I remember the training session you gave all the teachers right after I'd been called to the primary. I felt so inspired and grateful to have you leading our children. I know you've impacted their lives in very positive ways.
Ok, I don't know if I ever told you, but the day I met you, I pegged you as a school teacher right away. I've always been shocked you were a lawyer! But in a good, highly impressed way!! :)
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