I can't believe summer is over and it's time to resume a "scheduled" life again. Back to packing lunches, supervising homework, waiting at the bus stop, hiding the take-home papers in the bottom of the garbage can so my kids won't see that I'm throwing them away (if found, that discarded math sheet becomes the prize project that only a mean mom would throw away), and so on. But to be honest, I love it, love it, love it. I'm so thankful for my 3 little students (4 if you include my preschooler who starts preschool later this month).

Nicholas forbade me from taking his picture in his classroom, but I snuck this one.
Oh my goodness - way to stay on top of things! I planned on blogging about the first day of school. But I am way too exhausted!!!!!
Your kids look so cute. Hope they all enjoyed the first day.
It was fun talking with you at gymnastics, sorry you had to be surrounded by my crazy boys.
Your kids looked SO CUTE!! Natalie has grown up so much. I love all the pictures with their friends. I hope we all have a wonderful year.
The first day of school is always so exciting. Your kids look so cute. I can't believe how fast they all grow up. Alec is constantly asking "when do I get to go to preschool?" It will be a fun year!
Hi there!
I just found your blog listed on Allison's blog list so I thought I would check it out! Tell Ally if she wants to see pictures of baby William a good way is to visit www.mari4u.blogspot.com - that is our family blogsite. You all look so cute!!
Mari : )
Your kids are gorgeous! They look so adorable in their school clothes! It actually makes me want to go "school shopping" which I haven't done yet because Seth is still going in shorts and polos. Plus...I'm mostly going ga-ga over little Natalie and her cute bow and I don't think anything I do to Seth will compete with that:)
Wow....look at Natalie! There is nothing like looking at little kids to show you that time just keeps pressing forward! She is getting SO big!
You and Andrea's kids all look so cute and excited for school! I'm jealous!
Beautiful kids! I love their outfits - and their expressions are priceless! Good luck with what is guaranteed to be an action packed school year! We are sure missing that great school.
Beautiful kids, they are all growing up...it's amazing and wonderful.
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