In the Book of Mormon it says, "Men are, that they might have joy." 2 Nephi 2:25. I've pondered this scripture with fullness of heart that our Heavenly Father loves us so much that he wants us to have joy. But, I look around and see so many people without joy in their lives and it breaks my heart, especially during this holiday season. I've often wondered what the key to joy is. Then, the other morning, I was reading in the Book of Mormon the account of when Ammon ran into his best friend, Alma the Younger, and the other sons of Mosiah in the wilderness. The men had all been serving righteous missions and were so excited to be reunited. Ammon records that he was filled with "exceeding joy" the kind that "none receiveth save it be the truly penitent and humble seeker of happiness." Alma 27:18. I suddenly had one of those ah ha moments . . . to have joy you have to seek it. To me , seeking happiness is living a Christ-centered life, which entails loving others, serving others, and humility.
With this in mind, here are a few things that bring me joy:

Santa's annual visit to our house, which strangely occurs each year while Andrew is gone. hmmm.

Christmas morning
Strong daddy-daughter relationships

Family ski trips


What a great way to recap your holiday season. I love your thoughts on JOY. You are one of the most joyful and happy people I know. You're living right!
By the way, Andrew is looking good in his under armour.
I have joy when you finally update your blog! :) Such a great thought. I too wish I could spread joy and it's weird to know the formula and have people reject it.
Doesn't Santa's helper ever seem sort of familiar to your kids?
Carolyn you are so right!! You are such a wonderful example to me. Thanks for the great post! ;)
I love Joy! And it certainly is the season to embrace it.
All your photos brought a smile to my face and some joy to my heart.
Merry Christmas!!!!
I love your thoughts on joy. You are a great example of it!
Such a sweet post. It is sad that so many people have a hard time finding joy in their lives. I love your thoughts. It's so great to have friends we can relate to and feel not only inspired by, but that we're all kind of on the same page. Great post!
I love your thoughts on joy. You have a lot of joy in your life (A.K.A your kids)
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