I love traditions! I love the predictability of doing the same thing year after year. Sometimes, however, it's fun to do things a little differently. That's what we did this Easter. We decided this year to go to the Tri-cities for Easter. Our change in plans was mainly due to my sister-in-law's annual Tea Party being scheduled on the same weekend as Easter. My sister-in-law is an AMAZING woman, who loves to host a party each year just for the mothers and daughters. She literally spends days cooking for it and makes everyone dress up for the big event. After our delicious treats, we are always entertained by my fabulously talented nieces who play the piano and violin like they should be in the symphony!
It's such a fun day for everyone and I truly appreciate all the hard work my sister-in-law puts into this yearly event.
Natalie with her "tea" (i.e., hot cocoa)
My wonderful in-laws
The weather was wonderful in the Tri-cities. On Saturday it was 60 degrees! So while we were at the Tea Party, the boys took full advantage of the nice weather and played lots of baseball and tennis. They even walked to the park near my grandparents' home. (NOTE: There was snow on the ground when we left Spokane on Friday!)

On Easter morning, we had an Easter Egg Hunt and then off to church. At my grandparents' ward, the Primary sang "He Sent His Son." When they asked the Primary children to come up, Natalie marched right up to the stand. She stood in the front row and sang her little heart out. My grandparents were beaming. While we did things a little differently this Easter, it was still a wonderful weekend.
Hunting for eggs on Easter morning
Easter Morning
Easter Morning
Easter Morning
Looks like you guys had a great Easter. Oh, how I miss the weather in Tri-Cities. It is so nice to be able to drive into the Tri-Cities and feel the sun on your face.
I love the tea party. What a great idea!
Cute kids. Your pictures are looking great. I can't believe how much Natalie looks like you.
Glad you had some warm weather. Better than our winter wonderland.
Sounds like a great Easter! ESpecially the 60 degrees part. You have amazingly photogenic kids. I'm jealous!
I love Easter! What a great way to spend it - with family. All your pictures are way cute - I especially love the one with Natalie and the tea cup - priceless!!!!
I totally forgot to take pictures of my kids in their new Easter clothes! Guess I will have to recreate the moment.
That tea party sounds fabulous! What a great idea. Your kids are so cute. I can't believe how big they're getting.
What a great tradition!! I love it! Sounds like a wonderful Easter...unlike our snowy one here.
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