Monday, September 15, 2008


Back to School! I'm a little late on this post, but our 3 oldest went back to school on September 2. I'm so exited for this year. I love their school and all of their teachers. Not to mention the fact that I've passed the baton this year to a new PTG president, so this year I can relax a little more and just enjoy being a parent. Here are some pictures of the big day:

And what will I do with my time now that the 3 oldest are gone all day???? Spend the day with this cute little guy, of course. :-)


sugarcoatedcyanide said...

OMG, that is the cutest picture of Adam ever!! Do you love having Natalie in school all day? You are arriving at a wonderful time of life!! (except that jr high is looming close)

andrea said...

Cute picture of Adam. It was fun to see you out and about today. It's funny how we all have the same routines.

Lara said...

It's not too late to post - you are still way ahead of me!

Your kids look adorable, as usual. It was fun having Adam over - we'll have to keep the play dates going!

KariAnn said...

Cute back to school pictures. I love the one of Adam. This should be a great school year!