Yesterday, I was reading an article in the newspaper about the Mormon Church and California's Proposition 8. The article explored why the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the target of angry Prop. 8 opposers instead of other churches who, like the Mormons, supported the constitutional amendment. One sociologist reasoned that Mormons were easy targets because they're still seen as kind of "weird' and not "normal Americans." Hmmmm . . . let's see, here's a small glimpse into my life, you decide how "weird" or how much of an "unnormal American" I am.
I spend my day cooking, cleaning, chauffeuring, mentoring, cheerleading, and kissing boo-boos. I even throw in a little "law-making" when time permits, upholding the oath I took as an attorney 11 years ago to uphold the laws of my country. I attend church on Sunday and hang my American flag on Memorial Day, the Fourth of July, and Veteran's Day. I'm the daughter of a Vietnam vet and the granddaughter of a World War II vet. I love a good deal, whether it's at Nordstrom or Walmart. After a tough day, I hit a carton of ice cream. And, after a great day I hit a carton of ice cream. I'm most comfy in a pair of jeans and a soft cotton t-shirt. My family loves baseball, apple pie, and I even drive a Chevrolet! So, please tell me am I weird or an unnormal American? Hopefully we can press forward and change these crazy stereo types.
You're not wierd to me!
We just have to hope that all this publicity about the church will make people more curious about what we believe and will give us the opportunity to tell them. You just did a good job of doing that on your blog.
I agree with Andrea. Like Pres. Hinckley said, "Any publicity is good publicity."
Also, Satan will always target and strive to destroy truth....not a coincidence that the LDS church is being targeted!
Yay for you!! Well said! Tim got actual numbers from the area presidency and Mormons made up a grand 4% of the voters in CA! Really! All that protesting over 4%! Even my beloved Jon Stewart has turned on me, boo hoo.
You're as All-american as they come, sweet Carolyn. We should actually seriously consider putting you on some billboards with the advertising, "She's a Mormon!" Then everyone would realize not just how normal we are, but also how exceptional we can be.
Fantastic post Carolyn!! I love it. Even if you're an "unnormal american" I think your pretty spectacular. Who wants to be normal anyway!!
Fantastic post! A well written rebuttal by an exceptional American.
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