More reverence give me!
My last post revealed some of my personal New Year's resolutions, now I'll discuss our big FAMILY resolution, which is to be more reverent at church. For those of you in my ward, let me just apologize now for all the years of having to endure our circus. I've been feeling especially motivated lately to step up our reverence after sitting behind the most amazing family the last few months. This family has 6 kids, ages 15 to 4 - they all sit perfectly still for 1 hour 10 minutes and they don't even bring a church bag! I feel like I bring LUGGAGE to church!So, in my quest to increase our reverence I decided to stop bringing a church bag (my kids just spend the whole sacrament meeting fighting over the stuff in the bag anyway) and just bring a "church pouch." I made this pouch based on an idea my friend Christianne gave me last year. It is super easy to sew, seriously the hardest part was sewing on the button! 

This Sunday I'm going to try the "church pouch" and see how it goes. Do any of you still bring a bag to church (my youngest is 4)? Or, do you have any reverence tips?
I ditched the church bag while we were living in Spokane. One Sunday I had brought some crackers for Austin and Hans who were age 2 and 4 at the time. Joseph and Grant (who were 7) found the crackers, ripped into the package and started shoving them in their face like cookie monster. I was SO embarrassed, I never brought a church bag again!
I really like the pouch idea. I pad of paper for each kid is just about right.
So darn cute!! And I must admit, I still slip a notebook and pen in my bag for the kids and all they end up doing is making paper airplanes!
We are by no means anyone to give advice on reverence...BUT...Ailey is the only one who is allowed to bring a church bag. No snacks. We stop that when they turn 2. Kameron and Reilly don't have anything. They just sit there and listen (or more often stare into space). But something we have always done is that they are not allowed to get into the church bag until after the sacrament. It has worked out pretty well.
Cute Church Pouch!!
We went out to dinner with a couple from our ward last weekend. We don't know them very well and they commented that we are the only family in church that they wish they could get up in help.
That being said, every fall I buy a stack of those cheap notebooks that are on sale everywhere. The youngest four get a notebook and a pencil. I think it works out pretty well. They always know what to expect and I don't have to scramble to come up with ideas of how to entertain them.
Your pouch is adorable. You will have to show me how to make that. My girls would loveto have one.
Such a cute bag! I still have a ugly big bag but I do the same as you. When Herm and Jeraldine left and I was alone with my children for church I was so panicked! After lots of praying I felt like simplifying was the way to go. Now they each have a note book, a pen, and I have extra "Friend" magazines to read, and one small, mess free snack.
We talk about reverence in church all the time at home and I try to always give positive remarks when they are behaving well.
We still struggle, but life at church has been so much better!!!!! (Plus is helps that the kids are growing up!)
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