Here's what we woke up to this morning (note the smashed swing set in the middle of the tree!) Our neighbors tree fell over in the middle of the night into our yard. They knocked on our door at 7:00am to apologize (which I thought was very nice of them). Our whole family slept through it! I got up about 6:00am and opened the curtains and still didn't notice. The ironic thing is that we cut down the 10 pine trees that were in our yard for this very reason. Oh well, I'm thankful it didn't fall on a house and I'm thankful it didn't fall while my kids were playing on their swing set. Small blessings . . . .
Scary!! Glad you guys are ok and no one was outside when it happened.
Oh wow! That is so scarry. So glad no one was hurt!
I always freak out when it is windy outside because we have a ton of pine trees that rock and sway.
How strange to wake up to such a site. I'm very impressed you were up so early. It's been a struggle for me all summer. I'm glad that happened in the middle of the night instead of the afternoon.
I'm Glad That No One Got Hurt!!!
Hi Carolyn!! I just found your adorable blog :) I was trying to remember the name of the company you were telling me about that published your blog in a book. Do you remember the name?
Here's the website:
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