Some of you know my great fear of spiders. Everyone has their "thing" that gives them the heebie-geebies (ya know, snakes, mice, etc.) and mine is spiders! I hate them so much that even on the ski slope when I see the "Spider" logo on ski jackets or pants, I shutter a little. Now, my dislike with the little creatures has intensified. This time it's personal . . . an 8-legged nuisance took away my summer!
2 weeks ago, I was cleaning out the garage and was bit by a Hobo Spider on the right thumb. The pain was like nothing I ever experienced before (and I've given birth naturally, TWICE). The poison went so deep that after a week of ineffective antibiotics, I had to have surgery on my thumb. They removed all the skin and fatty tissue on the back of my thumb all the way to the bone. They also had to remove half of my thumb nail. The biggest bummer of all is that it's suppose to take 6 weeks to heal! Swimming, water skiing, tubing, you name it, I'm done with it.
Oh Carolyn! What a freak type of thing to happen to you. I am so sorry that your summer is ruined. I guess you'll be driving the boat for everyone else.
Jack got bit by a spider in our garage as well. He screamed like he was going to die. I tried to find the spider to see what kind it was but I couldn't and luckily he healed quickly. As bad as this is for you thank goodness it didn't happen to one of your kids. I hope you get well soon.
OH MY GOODNESS!! I am so glad that you are ok. Scary. I am not afraid of spiders but the rest of my family is...even Tyler...he can't stand them. This is just the sort of incident he is always saying is going to happen and I always say he is full of bull. Oops. AND...we have a garage to clean out...maybe I won't share this with him. Sorry about your summer. It's passing by too quickly. :(
CAROLYN!!! NOOOOOOOOOOO! WHYYYYYYYYY? (in my best Nancy Kerrigan)....
If there's a silver lining to any of this, it's that now you have something to show off to the boys and their friends. You're the cool Mom now! haha.
Loves to you and heal quickly!
Oh my goodness Carolyn! I'm so sorry to hear about your spider encounter...I knew there was a GOOD reason I hate spiders so much! My dad got bit by a black widow once and ended up in the hospital. The little crawlers are just awful!!! Hope you heal quickly. :)
Oh my goodness! I have this friend who is a dramatic hypochondriac and I always, always told her that she was fine. Turned out one of her crazy things was cancer (not a serious kind but still!)
That is crazy. I mean...not many people really like spiders, but to have a phobia and then to be bitten by one with such horrible results is so freaky!
Sorry about your summer:(
That is so awful! Hope your thumb heals well and quickly.
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