Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Hopes, Dreams, and New Paths

I recently came across this cute picture of Andrew and I cutting our wedding cake. Man oh man we had big hopes and dreams on that day. And, for the most part we made a lot of those dreams come true with a temple marriage, college degrees, four beautiful children, and 18 years of memories. The path, though, ended for us as a couple, but continues as parents of those four beautiful children.


Lucy said...

Carolyn, I think you are a beautiful person. Obviously, from the picture, you are a stunning person on the outside but even that magnificent beauty doesn't adequately represent the unbelievably soul it contains. I wish you every good thing in your life and your family.

Mari said...

What a beautiful picture. You have not aged a day -- no fair! Thanks for sharing your feelings. Life has a way of teaching us lessons we never wanted to learn and our "plans" never seem to go as planned! I wish you the very best for your future. Luckily, your kids are amazing . . . the future can only be bright! May your new hopes, dreams, paths, bring you joy and happiness!

sugarcoatedcyanide said...

How is it possible you look exactly the same!! Lucky! You're doing a great job working this big trial out. Keep going forward and just loving those great kids you've got!