Sunday, March 06, 2016

Adam's 12th Birthday

Yesterday Adam turned 12 years old.  I can't believe my baby is 12!  Adam has been such a blessing to our family.  It's been so amazing watching him grow into a young man.  Adam is kind and compassionate.  He loves basketball, books, and animals.  He's blessed to be athletic, smart, and friendly. 

Today Adam received the Priesthood.  The really special part was that his older brother, Nick, ordained him.  Adam warned me this morning that if he cried it was just because he didn't get a lot of sleep the night before.  So sweet.  I love this boy so much and I'm so happy he has a wonderful older brother to look up to.  Nick is such a good example to Adam.  When I was pregnant with Adam, Nick prayed like crazy that he'd get a brother.  When we found out the baby was a boy, we told Nick that his Heavenly Father heard his prayers.  It's now a family joke that whenever Nick is frustrated with Adam we always remind Nick that he prayed for him.  :)  All kidding aside, I'm so thankful my boys are so close and will always have each other.  

Happy 12th Birthday Baby Boy!



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