Thursday, April 29, 2010

What I love most . . . .

Andrew's been out of town all week and I've been missing him a ton! I've been pondering what I love most about him. And, without a doubt, it's how much he loves our children.

Can you see the bunny ears above Adam? Guess who taught my sweet Ally that kind of humor? You guessed it, my funny husband. He's also taught our kids to work hard (at times, I'm guilty of being the "let me do it for you, sweetie" kind of parent), he's taught my boys to help out around the house (FYI - Andrew's better than me at both dishes AND laundry), he's taught them church and church activities are important (the other night Andrew encouraged Nicholas to participate in a cub scout service project rather than his baseball game and ya all know how much Andrew LOVES baseball!), he's taught our girls to be strong (he wrestles, plays catch and goes hiking with the girls just as much as he does with the boys). Speaking of hiking, the backyard of our new house is, well, a forest. And, it backs up to . . . more forest. See below.

After we moved, Andrew started a new tradition of taking the kids one on one for a Sunday walk through the trees and having a little father/child interview. Nothing formal, he just checks in with them and makes sure everything is going okay at school, church, home, etc. The best part of these walks is I get little treasures when they return (i.e., wild flowers!) My sweet husband teaches my children to love, and remember, their mother.

It's not Father's Day or anything - I'm just missing my hubby and reflecting on his greatness. Must be something about that "absence makes the heart grow fonder" thing!?!?!?


Anonymous said...

Dad is pretty amazing. Great post! ;)

sugarcoatedcyanide said...

Awww, he is a pretty great guy. Hey, I've been meaning to call you. I inherited your old job. Camp cook! Yikes!!! I'm needing a pep talk!

Annie said...

Carolyn... you certainly got a good one!! Andrew cracks me up too! But when it all comes down to it, I can tell just how much he loves you and those kiddos of yours! God certainly did a "good thing" when He gave you to Andrew!! (Proverbs 18:22)

Anonymous said...

Alright, honey. What is it you bought that you haven't told me about yet?

andrea said...

Ha ha ha! I love andrew's comment. Andrew is a great guy. I love the sunday walks through the forest. Another perk to the move.

KariAnn said...

Very sweet. A wonderful husband is the most important blessing we should never take for granted. Andrew's such a great guy.