Sunday, April 29, 2007

The Date

On Friday night Andrew and I went on one of our funny little dates. Our code for each other that one of us needs this date is to say to the other, "we need a sitter for exactly 3 hours this weekend." The other person always knows what the other is thinking.

Here's the details of our "3-hour date" . . . we have a little Mexican restaurant in Davenport we LOVE. It's called Camino Real. It takes exactly 1 hour to get to Davenport, 1 hour to eat, and 1 hour to drive home. We love this date so much because of the 2 hours of "car time" where we get to really talk. Sometimes when life gets so consumed with kids, jobs, callings, etc. the thing that's so easy to let slip is our attention to each other. This time alone always rejuvenates our marriage.

Here's a tidbit about my husband that most people don't know . . . he speaks pretty good Spanish. I didn't really know how well Andrew spoke Spanish until we went to Cabo San Lucas for my 30th birthday and he started speaking Spanish to all the locals. I saw my husband with new eyes . . . . Anyway, Andrew likes this little restaurant because he can speak Spanish with the staff.

I'm thankful for our "3-hour dates."

Large portions

This is the place

Monday, April 23, 2007

The Crazy Month of April

I mentioned in my last post that April was a crazy month for me (hence the lack of a post for over two weeks). I feel I'm finally getting things "checked off" my list so I can start to function in "normal" mode again instead of "super speed."

My first task was hosting Bunko. My Bunko group consists of several moms with children that go to the same school as my children. I really enjoy these ladies but most are not in my close circle of friends, so I was really nervous about making them feel welcome and comfortable in my home. It turned out to be a really fun night (for me anyway!) and no one made unusual excuses to leave early, so I think everyone had a good time.

My next task was the Family Dance at my kids' school. I took on this project 2 years ago because I wanted to change the image from a "school dance" to a "family dance." Why would children need a dance anyway???? However, an opportunity for a dad to escort his daughter on the dance floor for a dance and then treat her to a soda afterward is priceless. Slowly, I think the image is changing, we'll see if my successor keeps it up. The dance went great, mainly due to all of our fabulous volunteers (thanks Rebecca!)

The day after the dance was the America's Kids Run. This is a huge event in our house, especially for my son Nicholas. It's his "super bowl" of running. He's my little runner who has endurance and speed (I lack both!) He can run for 4 miles straight without stopping; yet, he ran the fastest 1/2 mile in all of 2nd grade (according to his health and fitness teacher). I realize I'm doing a lot of "offspring bragging" here, sorry . . . Anyway, he was true to form on Saturday and ran a 7- minute mile, IN THE RAIN. I would have whimped out as the first rain drops starting hitting my face. Way to go Nicky!

I should also mention here that after the America's Kids Run we stopped at the grocery store before our 1st soccer game of the day and as I was shutting the door after buckling in Adam, I shut the door on my finger. So gross and scary for my children. Funny thing is when I told my grandma about my finger, the first thing out of her mouth was "Where were you rushing off to?" She knows me so well.

My final task is tomorrow night. We have a Stake Primary Leadership Meeting. I love these meetings because I love being edified, but now that I will be the "edifier," I'm terrified. I've been working on my presentation this evening and am feeling the weight of the responsibility to "feed His sheep." I'm not so nervous about delivering the words I've prepared; rather, I'm nervous about bringing the spirit. I'm thankful I'll be in the company of great primary leaders that night.

Ally and her friends at the dance (did I mention the theme was Hawaiian?)

Speedy Gonzalez

Props for my stake leadership presentation (I'm talking about Faith in God)

More props

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Like most of you we have several Easter traditions that keep us "hopping" during this fun time of year (Easter egg hunts, coloring eggs, new outfits, candy-filled baskets, etc.) but I want to post about the other aspect of Easter. The aspect that is more personal to me.

Our favorite saying around the house the last few days has been: "There would be no Christmas without Easter." This is from one of the conference talks a couple weeks ago. Without the atoning sacrifice of our savior, He would be just another man and there would be no celebration of His birth. But of course, He's not just "another man" but the savior of the world and on a more personal level, my savior. Because of Him, I can repent of my sins. Because of Him, I could change the path my life was going in "back in the day" and come unto Christ. I have to wonder if there was no atonement if the above picture would even exist. My only gift I can return to Him is to TRY to emulate Him (I often fall short) and hope that on our reunion He will call me by name, followed by "thou good and faithful servant."

Friday, April 06, 2007

The Much-Needed Break

I love the term "spring break" because it perfectly describes this week. I have literally taken a "break" from everything that distracts me from spending time with my children and given them 100% of myself. After feeling so inspired from general conference, spending time with my children was like icing on the cake.

Traditionally, we go with Andrew to whatever city he needs to be in for work for spring break, but this year, he had to be in Spokane, so we broke tradition and I took Ally, Nicholas, Natalie, and Adam to the Tri-cities. The kids were a little sad to not be staying in a hotel, but grandpa and grandma's house was a good runner up (now if they'd only put in an indoor pool, we'd be set!)

My VERY nice friend Andrea let me borrow her camera (remember what Adam did to mine????) and can you believe I forgot it in Spokane. So I don't have any pictures to share. But here are some highlights:

  • Chuck E. Cheese (always a treat!)
  • Shopping and pedicures for the girls
  • Our favorite Mexican restaurant, Inca (because of the large Hispanic population in the Tri-cities they've got some great Mexican restaurants there. This is one thing we really miss living in Spokane)
  • Playdate at the Playground of Dreams in Columbia Park with our friends the Hollands. (I have a couple friends in my ward who are both from the Tri-cities AND our spouses are from the Tri-cities but none of us knew each other growing up - we try and hook up when we're down there at the same time)
  • Trying out the new Children's Museum (Spokane's is much better!)
  • "Meet the Robinsons" - LOVE this movie
  • Lots of basketball and tennis (conveniently located in the back yard)
  • "The Kite Runner" - what a page turner with lots of tears - can't wait for book group.

I feel so rejuvenated and ready to get back in action, which is good because April is a very busy month . . . more on that later.