Monday, April 23, 2007

The Crazy Month of April

I mentioned in my last post that April was a crazy month for me (hence the lack of a post for over two weeks). I feel I'm finally getting things "checked off" my list so I can start to function in "normal" mode again instead of "super speed."

My first task was hosting Bunko. My Bunko group consists of several moms with children that go to the same school as my children. I really enjoy these ladies but most are not in my close circle of friends, so I was really nervous about making them feel welcome and comfortable in my home. It turned out to be a really fun night (for me anyway!) and no one made unusual excuses to leave early, so I think everyone had a good time.

My next task was the Family Dance at my kids' school. I took on this project 2 years ago because I wanted to change the image from a "school dance" to a "family dance." Why would children need a dance anyway???? However, an opportunity for a dad to escort his daughter on the dance floor for a dance and then treat her to a soda afterward is priceless. Slowly, I think the image is changing, we'll see if my successor keeps it up. The dance went great, mainly due to all of our fabulous volunteers (thanks Rebecca!)

The day after the dance was the America's Kids Run. This is a huge event in our house, especially for my son Nicholas. It's his "super bowl" of running. He's my little runner who has endurance and speed (I lack both!) He can run for 4 miles straight without stopping; yet, he ran the fastest 1/2 mile in all of 2nd grade (according to his health and fitness teacher). I realize I'm doing a lot of "offspring bragging" here, sorry . . . Anyway, he was true to form on Saturday and ran a 7- minute mile, IN THE RAIN. I would have whimped out as the first rain drops starting hitting my face. Way to go Nicky!

I should also mention here that after the America's Kids Run we stopped at the grocery store before our 1st soccer game of the day and as I was shutting the door after buckling in Adam, I shut the door on my finger. So gross and scary for my children. Funny thing is when I told my grandma about my finger, the first thing out of her mouth was "Where were you rushing off to?" She knows me so well.

My final task is tomorrow night. We have a Stake Primary Leadership Meeting. I love these meetings because I love being edified, but now that I will be the "edifier," I'm terrified. I've been working on my presentation this evening and am feeling the weight of the responsibility to "feed His sheep." I'm not so nervous about delivering the words I've prepared; rather, I'm nervous about bringing the spirit. I'm thankful I'll be in the company of great primary leaders that night.

Ally and her friends at the dance (did I mention the theme was Hawaiian?)

Speedy Gonzalez

Props for my stake leadership presentation (I'm talking about Faith in God)

More props


Kristin said...

Great post Carolyn! I think your Bunko Night was a HUGE hit! I had a fantastic time.

I'm sad we missed the Dance BUT...Reilly got "asked" to the dance by 2 boys and just wanted to be dropped off. We needed to nip that in the bud and Tyler ended up working late and so we didn't go. (But I have heard from several people that it was GREAT and everyone I talked to had a lot of fun). I love the idea of Father/Daughter out on the dance floor. Maybe next year Tyler can be Reilly's "date". They do love to shake it on the dance floor. At the Daddy/Daughter Activity Day Activity they were the last to get off the dance floor! :)

That is exciting about's not bragging...your kids ARE extrememly cute and talented!!

You will do so well at your Stake Primary Leadership Meeting. If ANYONE can bring the Spirit it is you!! I'm excited that you are talking about the Faith in God Program...that is so near and dear to my heart!!

P.S. I hope your finger is better! :(

[alisar] said...

You constantly impress me. It seems you never run out of steam. Good for you!
Have I ever told you how beautiful I think your kids are. I probably have, but I have to say it again.
I'll see you tonight at Primary Leadership - I expect to be bowled over by the spirit :)

Rebecca said...

Way to go Nick!

The dance and Bunko were a lot of fun!

Since I'm not in Primary I missed your meeting, but knowing you I'm sure it went great!

Lara said...

I bet you are glad April is coming to a close! It seems to have been a busy month for everyone.

Hope your finger is feeling better!!!!

Lucy said...

Wow! I'm amazed you had any time to write about any of it. You are one capable lady, though, and I'm sure whatever you put your personal touch on comes out that much better.