Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Replacement Post

As expected, Andrew thought I did too much gushing over him in my last post and wanted me to replace it ASAP so it wouldn't be the first thing that popped up when people opened my blog. I guess I could post some things that drive me crazy about him to balance the posts!

Seriously though - I'm having a hard time coming up with a topic today, so I'll share a little gaffe from yesterday. Recently, I was asked to attend a school meeting as PTG president along with a school staff member who was filling in for another staff member who couldn't make it. This lady's name is Christi. Anyway, Christi picked up a packet for the missing staff member, so I e-mail the missing staff member and told him "Christi has a packet for you." EXCEPT I forgot to add the "i" at the end of Christi's name and the e-mail actually said, "Christ has a packet for you." The staff member called the typo to my attention yesterday and got a good laugh (especially since this staff member is Jewish). Oops! Do you think I can count that as missionary work? :-)


[alisar] said...

Your husband is probably like mine. He never writes comments on my blog, but he reads it everyday and complains that I embarrass him from time to time. I tell him he should start his own blog.
I love your typo story. It had me laughing out loud. Great replacement!
I hope your PTG Pres job is going well, I cannot imagine doing that. You are an inspiring woman! So far, I haven't even joined a PTA, let alone volunteered for any serious responsibilities.

Starnes fam said...

Funny story! I love your family picture...really cute!

Rebecca said...

Carolyn that is really funny. Doesn't he have a packet for us all?

andrea said...

I saw him at Back to School night and chuckled. I wanted to ask him what he thought of the packet from Christ.

Hilarious. Great replacement post. Tell Andrew it's too late. We all read it anyway.

sugarcoatedcyanide said...

Ok, just wait til this guy starts his general conference talk in 20 years "it all started when I got a packet from Christ".....

Kristin said...

Carolyn- That is hilarious!! I'm still chuckling over that. BTW I loved reading about how you and Andrew met.

Lucy said...

Great story. I love biblical slips. My dad used to slip up every once in a while while he was calling us kids to something and call for "Lucifer" when he was thinking of both me and my sister, Jennifer.