Monday, March 03, 2008

Thank You Andrew

For the wonderful weekend get away!

While my family and my faith are tops on my list, close behind are friends and snow skiing! This weekend Andrew watched the kids so I could enjoy both. Thank you honey. And, thank you to the person who made it possible - Kariann. Your cabin is so cozy and comfortable. It was the perfect setting for a great get away.


Rebecca said...

I had so much fun with you guys! Thanks to all of our wonderful husbands!

Anonymous said...

You're very welcome. Sorry about the house when you got home!

Kersten said...

I was blog hopping my friends' blogs and found yours. What a fun blog!

Kristin said...

You guys look super cute!!

Lara said...

My what cute ski bunnies you all are!!!

Sorry I missed out on all the fun - but I'm glad you all had a fun time!!!!!

Can't wait for the next bookgroup.

Valynn said...

It was so much fun skiing with everyone...I'm very glad that I gave into the peer pressure from Jodi!

Crump Family said...

Good times and great memories! I can't wait until we can plan another retreat!

[alisar] said...

Who's the hot blonde in black? Woo woo!
Glad you had fun!