They all warned me it would go fast, but I didn't believe it. My life is mainly defined by the service I render to my family. Each day is filled with opportunities to love, guide, instruct, listen and cheer. Days filled with responsibilities tend to breeze by. October 6, 1997 to October 6, 2009 went faster than I could imagine. My oldest is 12.
Andrew and I were reflecting tonight on all the times Ally asked for more "grown up" things in her life and we always said, "when you're 12." Given that she has a memory like an elephant, Ally will be getting her first pair of "heels," a tube of mascara, dangling earrings, and . . . gulp . . . a cell phone. Why on earth did we think 12 was a good age for these things - she's just a baby still, isn't she???? Perhaps not, this child has always been wiser than her years. The other night we were sitting together talking and she said, "Mom, I just know we were best friends before we came to earth - how do you think we decided who would be the mom and who would be the daughter?" I don't know how it was decided, but I'm so happy to be the mom, because it gives me the opportunity to watch this amazing girl grow into a young woman. I love you Ally - shoot for the stars.
That Is The Nicest Thing Anyone Has Ever Done 4 Me. I Love U!!! :)
Carolyn, that is so sweet. I can't believe Ally is 12 either. I can still remember her as a 9 or 10 month old walking all over the place. I knew then that she was going to go places. She is such a strong girl. She is destined for great things. Happy Birthday Ally. I hope all your 12 year old dreams came true!
This post had me in tears because I can relate so much. Time is flying by too fast. While it is fun to see our daughters grow and mature I miss so much those chubby baby cheeks and innocent days.
Good luck with all the "wait until you are twelve" things...we gave them all to Reilly except for the heels.
Happy Birthday Ally!! You are such a wonderful girl.
Carolyn- here's a hug because I know how you feel...
Wow, Ally's in YW??? How did that happen? And with dangly earrings? I just got some last year. But I'm sure Ally will look great. She always has been an amazing kid. She'll be a fun teenager! Enjoy every minute. Time speeds up even more now if that's possible!
Ally sure is precious!
I can't believe how fast kids grow up!!!!
Thank You All!!! :)
I can still remember teaching Ally in Primary when she was 8, and my Sammi was 4. Now Ally is 12 and my Sammi is 8! I wish they would slow down!
Happy Birthday Ally. You are such a good girl. I will always remember you, and your desire to answer questions. Enjoy being a "Young Woman" -- it is such a fun time! Be good for your Mama. :-)
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