Saturday, November 17, 2007

Free Time

Growing up, Saturday morning was our clean house time. My grandma must have started this, because whoever you called on a Saturday (aunts, cousins, grandparents) they were all doing the same thing. I've continued this tradition with my children.

This Saturday we did our usual routine and then we let the kids have free time as a reward. When I walked into the family room, this is what I observed. It's so funny seeing the little ones following the lead of the big ones. By the way, Adam is not actually "playing" the Gameboy (he doesn't know how) he's just pushing buttons to be like Nick. It's interesting observing the difference between girls and boys.



Lara said...

Too cute. We try cleaning time on Saturday too, but somehow the kids always seem to get out of working as hard as me and Chris.

My kids are a lot like yours. Halle's free time is coloring. Chad's free time is playing games. And Sean's free time is trying to do what ever Chad is doing!

sugarcoatedcyanide said...

Holy Cow, two blogs in one week!! I'm impressed by that alone! But I like your craft ideas too. And it's really true, my kids get hooked on the gameboy younger and younger the more older brothers they have!

Rebecca said...

Your kids are adorable! By the way, what is Ally reading? It looks scientific.

Anonymous said...

Its actually a "Sign Language for Children" book. She likes to read it and practice signing.

KariAnn said...

So adorable! I can't believe how quiet and mellow they are. My kids would be wrestling and messing up everything they had just cleaned.